- 2022/9/28
- [Publication] The paper on chiral open-cage fullerene ligands has just appeared in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (Mr. S. Okamoto (M. Eng.), Mr. S. Sadai (M2))
- 2022/4/8
- [Award] Assoc. Prof. T. Hirose received The Young Scientists’ Award from The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). I really appreciate the great support from all of the mentors, collaborators, and students of my research group.
- 2022/4/4
- [Publication] The paper on π-extended helicenes with a small HOMO-LUMO gap has been published in Nat. Commun. Thank you very much to all the collaborators for your great efforts!
- 2022/1/28
- [Publication] The paper on Group 9 metal complexes has just appeared in Organometallics. (Mr. H. Kawasaki (B. Eng.))
- 2022/1/6
- [Press Release] Press Release from Univ. of Tokyo (Collaboration with Prof. K. Hirakawa). (The Univ. of Tokyo・Kyoto Univ.・Tohoku Univ.)